WFO Life Podcast

EP 128 Thinking Traps to Avoid

William G Curtis, MD Season 4 Episode 128

"My way is to seize an image the moment it has formed in my mind, to trap it as a bird and to pin it at once to canvas. Afterward I start to tame it, to master it. I bring it under control and I develop it. "
— Joan Miro

In this episode, Dr. Curtis delves into common thinking traps that impair our ability to think clearly.    When it comes to Self-Mastery, the quality of our thought can make or break our long term success.  This episode encourages listeners to reflect on the content and origin of thought.  Dr. Curtis shares insights into five very common patterns of thinking that lead to false conclusions.

Thinking Traps Discussed

  • All or Nothing Thinking
  • Jumping to Conclusions
    • Type 1 - Mind Reading
    • Type 2-  Fortune Telling
  • Emotional Reasoning
  • Over Generalizing
  • Ignoring the Good

Episodes Mentioned

EP 48 Thinking Traps

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